Affiliated to C.B.S.E Board



co-corricular activity


  • The school attaches great importance to game co-curricular activities and competitions. Children selected for Dramatics, G.K. Tests, Elocution, Art and Craft competitions, S.U.P.W. projects must be willing to participate in such activities.
  • Participation in games is compulsory. If matches are arranged, students should strive to win school colours and represent the school at such meets. Students should find time to attend the practice sessions.
  • The school will, organize programmes on Children’s Day, Teacher’s Day, Annual Day and on National festivals.
  • Students of class I upwards, are allotted Houses to have House-wise league competitions. They will be placed in Division. Each House competition will carry points for the honour of the Cock House Shield.
  • Students may be penalized and debarred from further participation in case they fail to be present for an activity, lest there should be an emergency.


  • The library is being progressively stocked with suitable and up-to-date books to provide healthy reading.
  • Strict silence has to be observed in the library at all times.
  • No one is permitted to take a book from the library without the permission of the librarian and having it dulyentered.
  • Books are issued to the use of the borrower and should not be lent to anybody else.
  • Reference books will not be issued.
  • The student should take great care in handling the books. Tearing of pages and pictures from the books and magazine is an awfully bad habit which should be avoided at all costs.
  • The attention of the librarian must be drawn to the books that an intending borrower find damaged.
  • Damage done to the books and magazines must be made good by the borrower. In case the book is lost the entire cost has to be deposited with the librarian.
  • Failure to return a book by due date incurs a fine of Rs. 5/- per day for the time the book is overdue.
  • All books must be returned before the beginning of each examination. Failure to do so will bar the student from appearing in the examination.


  • On examination days no student is allowed to enter the examination hall or classroom before the General Assembly.
  • No leave other than medical leave is normally sanctioned during the examination period provided a medical certificate from such medical authority as will satisfy the Principal is submitted on the day the student is absent. However, no medical certificate will be accepted after the last day of examination.
  • In any case a medical certificate is not a guarantee for granting promotion. If a student falls sick for a part or the whole examination, he/she should have required pass marks for promotion.
  • Any other leave applied for during the examination will be at the risk of parents and no consideration will be made for the loss of the marks at the time of promotion.
  • Examination shall not be anticipated or postponed for any individual for any reason. The schedule will be given to the students much in advance.
  • Candidates will be disqualified if they are detected in giving or obtaining unfair assistance at the examination or if they have in their possession while in the examination hall or classroom, any book, memorandum, calculator or pocket book, notes or paper except the question paper of the current exam. Unused answer sheets must be submitted to staff invigilators.


  • Pass marks in each subject is generally 40%.
  • Classes IX, X, XI and XII will follow the promotion criteria of C.B.S.E. Board. Each student should also pass in Internal Assessment for promotion. All cases of doubt regarding promotion are left entirely to the discretion of the Principal. Parents must not come for reconsideration once the decision has been made. Parents/Guardians must sign the report card when it is distributed and return it within 3 days.
  • The school does not undertake to retain answer script after 10 days of the distribution of the report cards.
  • A student failing for two successive years will not continue to study further in the school.
  • A student who has been benefiting from a scholarship or fee concession, will lose all such benefits if he/shefails to secure promotion in any class. He/She may qualify for the same after successfully completing the next year of study as a full paying student.
  • Promotion to the next class will not be granted until the completion of the Annual Examination and declaration of the annual result.
  • The evaluation of answer script and other work done by the students during the examination is within the domestic jurisdiction of the school and therefore, no outside person or authority has jurisdiction to check, or scrutinise the answer scripts or other work done bystudents.

Withdrawal –

  • Every application for Transfer Certificate shall be made in writing on the prescribed form obtainable from the office by the parent/guardian.
  • A month's notice is required before a student can be withdrawn. In lieu of such notice one month's fee, in addition to the fee of the month in which the application for Transfer Certificate is made will be charged.
  • No Transfer Certificate will be granted unless all school dues have been cleared or satisfactorily arranged for and "NO DUES CERTIFICATE" is obtained from the Fee counter, Librarian, Laboratory Incharge, GamesMaster etc.
  • No Transfer Certificate, mark sheet, conduct certificate or any other document will be issued from the school office when the school officially closes for summer and winter vacations. Parents are recommended to complete all transactions with the office during its working days only.
  • Even though the academic year ends in March, withdrawal done in July does not exempt from paying tuition fee for the months of April, May and June.