Affiliated to C.B.S.E Board



academic rules

General Rules of Discipline:

  • Students are urged to contribute to the high tone of the school by their manners and general behaviour.
  • Pupils should realize that they are responsible to the college Authorities not only for their conduct in the college but for their general behaviour outside. Any reported or observed objectionable conduct outside college on the part of the pupils should make them liable for disciplinary action.
  • They should be polite, friendly and well behaved in and outside the school. They should be respectful to their elders and teachers and truthful at all times.
  • They should be orderly, clean in their person and neatly dressed and should also co-operate to maintain cleanliness in school.
  • As far as posture, cleanliness, silence, attention to work and respect to teachers and companions are concerned, a class room should be looked upon as place of reverence and discipline.
  • They should maintain absolute silence during the General Assembly and while moving into the class room from General Assembly. Silence should also be observed on the way to and while returning from P.T. and library.
  • The General Assembly is the most important part of the school day. Every student should be present so to begin the day with prayer, to listen to the announcement and the advice of the Principal.
  • All must come to school, with lessons well prepared and home-work done. Text and exercise books and material for drawing should be brought to school according to the day's routine.
  • Students repeatedly coming late or forgetting to bring books or coming without the proper uniform may be punished/send back home.
  • When the students move along the corridors as when changing classes, going for games or experiments, they must walk in silence and in line. The teacher in the class should be the last to leave.
  • Respect to one's property as well as to that of the school and the things belonging to others is a mark of well bred and responsible student. When furniture is removed from a place it should be returned to its original place after use. Any kind of damage done in the school premises must be made good. Fine may be imposed by the Principal.
  • Pupils should keep their own class rooms and the school compound spotlessly clean, using the bins provided for waste paper and rubbish.
  • Students should always strive to speak in English in the school premises, and acquire the ability of conversation in English. They should maintain a high standard in their conversation.
  • Students should at all costs, avoid writing, carving and scratching on the walls and furniture. Such habits are an indication of low taste.
  • No magazine, newspapers or periodicals should be brought to school without the Principal's/class teacher's permission. If detected or found to have bad influence on others these will be confiscated.
  • No mobiles to be brought to the school. If a parent feels it is necessary to give mobile to the student, for any reason, then the parent should meet the Principal with an application for the same. If mobile is brought without permission then it will not be returned until the end of the session.
  • In the absence of the teacher, the monitor/monitress take charge of the class and is responsible for order and discipline in the class. He/She should fulfil the duty without partiality.
  • The school does not accept responsibility for the loss of books, money, stationery etc. Each student is responsible for his/her own things. It is not advisable to bring valuables to the school.
  • No collections or fine for any purpose, may be made without the prior sanction of the Principal, so also, presentation of gifts to staff members as such require approval from the Principal.
  • No collective petition or complaint will be entertained but reasonable and individual ones will be sympathetically attended to.
  • Parents are strictly forbidden to interview their children in class or the teachers without the permission of the Principal.
  • Any pupil who is persistently insubordinate or repeatedly and willfully mischievous or guilty of malpractices in connection with examinations or has committed an offence of serious indiscipline, misbehaviour or who in the opinion of the Principal has, an unwholesome influence on the fellow pupils, may be suspended for a specified period or expelled permanently from the school.
  • A student may also be removed permanently from the school for assaulting a teacher, seriously attacking a fellow student, persistent rude behaviour towards teachers and in the opinion of the Principal has a demoralizing influence on fellow students.
  • The school authorities are not responsible for the safety of any pupil before or after school hours. Necessary arrangement, therefore should be made to bring the children just in time and take them home immediately after school hours.
  • Students who are given some responsibility should carry it out dutifully and impartially and in accordance with the direction of the Principal or the teachers deputed by him. They should consider it a pride to render service to the school and their fellow students.

School Fees:

  • If the fees are not paid by the last working day of the instalment, the name of the defaulter may be struck off from the school register. If for any valid reasons, re-entry is made on the rolls, full admission fee along with the arrears will be charged. In case the parents are unable to pay the fees before the scheduled date, for serious reasons, it must be brought to knowledge of the Principal before the due date and seek extension.
  • No exemptions or deduction in fees will be made on account of broken periods, holidays or absence for any cause.
  • No student shall be allowed to sit for the examination unless all dues have been cleared.
  • Students of class X and XII must pay the fees for all the months of the academic year before 20 December.
  • Non-payment of fees will debar a pupil from receiving his/her report card or any other certificate.
  • Students withdrawn from the school during theyear without notice of withdrawal to the college will be required to pay the fees for the whole term, not withstanding the fact that the child had not attended the college during that period or before obtaining a Transfer Certificate.
  • The fee must be paid according to the dates mentioned in the fee booklet.


  • A minimum attendance of 80% of the working days is required for promotion even if they pass in all subjects.
  • Every student should be in time for General Assembly. Repeated late comers may be detained after school hours or sent home or may be asked to be withdrawn from school.
  • No pupil should leave the school premises during the college hours without the written permission of the Principal..
  • No leave of absence for the whole day or part thereof is granted except for serious reasons and on the on previous written application of the parents/guardians.
  • Except for duly approved reasons extension of vacation is not permitted. Late comers after a vacation who have not intimated in writing about delay, will have their names struck off the rolls after one calendar week and vacancies, if any, will be filled from fresh application.
  • A pupil who is absent during the term for more than three days on medical ground is required to submit medical certificate together with the leave application.
  • All leave application bearing the signature of the parents /guardians and the class and section should be forwarded to the Principal on the day the student is absent. Failure to bring such an application for leave, make the student liable to be sent home.
  • Students who are absent are NOT PERMITTED to enter the campus before, during or after the school, the day they are absent for any reason whatsoever.

Computer Lab:

  • No student can enter the Computer Lab in the absence of the computer teacher.
  • Strict silence has to be observed in the Computer Lab.
  • In case of loss or damage to any article in the Computer Room, the individual student or group, will have to make good the expense for repair/replacement.
  • No information residing on CDs, pen drive and external hard drive should be accessed in the Lab without the prior permission of the teacher.
  • Data not pertaining to the course of study should not be brought inside the Lab.
  • If a student requires an extra class or practical lesson the Computer Teacher must be contacted well in advance.

Recommendation to Parents/Guardians:

  • Parents are expected to co-operate with the School Authorities by enforcing regularity and discipline, by seeing that their children prepare their lessons and by taking an active interest in the activities of the school.
  • Parents are informed that occasional reports from the Principal are made in the calendar/work books. They should check the calendar/work books and sign the reports, in each case.
  • If a student is likely to be absent, due to illness, for a long period, the Principal must be informed immediately through an application with the name, class and section of their ward clearly mentioned therein.
  • Parents/Guardians must intimate to the school whenever their residential address or telephone numbers are changed in order to communicate to them in urgent matters, in the interest of their children.
  • Parents/Guardians, their servants or other person are not permitted to enter the class rooms to see their children or to interview the teachers without the permission of the Principal. The Principal may permit, in matters of urgency, to interview the teachers in their free periods. Lengthy discussions should be set apart for Saturday after school hour, or for the Parent-Teacher Meeting.
  • Parents/Guardians are requested not to give any money to the children unless they receive a written notice from the school. They should be provided with tiffin lunch so that they do not buy unwholesome food from vendors outside the school gate.
  • Parents/Guardians are requested to send their wards to school in full uniform, clean and tidy and in time.
  • When communicating with the Principal, parents/ guardians are requested to mention in their letter the name of the student, class and section.
  • Parent-Teachers Meetings are held periodically. Parents/Guardians are requested to make use of this opportunity to meet the teachers and discuss the progress of their children. This will enable the teacher to understand the children better, and consequently pay special attention to their needs.
  • Tipping the servants either during or after the school hours must be avoided at all costs.
  • When a student suffers from infectious disease, he/she should not be sent to school till the doctor gives a fitness certificate in order to save the other children from contacting such disease.
  • The Principal may punish a student for habitual idleness, disobedience or misconduct injurious to the moral tone of the college by detention after college hours or fines, suspension or dismissal.
  • Parents should always keep in mind that both teachers and parents contribute in the formation of a child's career. Even in the difficult situations, calm and gentleness should be displayed so that a cordial atmosphere is maintained for a better education of the child.
  • The school management does not recognise parents' association, teachers' association, fourth class association etc. without the prior sanction or explicit permission from the school management.



Principal reserves the right to waive off any of the rules contained in this Prospectus/ Calendar/School Diary without assigning any reason for his action.